Liste des films

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The Affair of Diana 女人與老虎1951
Modern Wives 摩登太太1951
Fatal Attraction 孽緣1952
The Troubled Love of Wang Kui and Gui Ying 王魁與桂英1952
Portrait of a Lady 淑女圖1952
A Woman's Heart 婦人心1952
Destroy 毀滅1952
The Closer the Better 近水樓台1952
Sweet Memories 滿園春色1952
The Moon-Blanch'd Land 月兒彎彎照九州1952
The World Turned Upside Down 天翻地覆1952
The Guiding Light 1953
Seven Sisters 七姊妹1953
Qiu Jin, the Revolutionary Heroine 秋瑾1953
Blame it on Father 1953
Meal Time 閨房樂1953
Little Phoenix 小鳳仙1953
Notorious Woman 名女人別傳1953
New West Chamber 新西廂記1953
In the Face of Demolition 危樓春曉1953 4 (1 Critiq.)

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