Liste des films

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Bhoutan La Coupe 1998 3.05 (10 Critiq.)
Cambodge The joy of life La joie de vivre1969 2 (1 Critiq.)
Chine Electric Shadows 电影往事2004 4.16 (8 Critiq.)
Cala, My Dog 卡拉是条狗2003 4 (1 Critiq.)
Crossed Lines 命运呼叫转移2008 4 (1 Critiq.)
One Foot off the Ground 鸡犬不宁2006 4 (2 Critiq.)
Getting Home 落叶归根2007 3.98 (16 Critiq.)
Set Off 2008 3.75 (1 Critiq.)
Scenes of City Life Dushi fengguang1935 3.75 (3 Critiq.)
You & Me 我们两2005 3.75 (2 Critiq.)
The Troubleshooters 顽主1988 3.75 (1 Critiq.)
A Unique Schooling 上學路上2005 3.75 (1 Critiq.)
Crazy Racer Feng Kuang De Sai Che2008 3.75 (2 Critiq.)
Lost On Journey Ren Zai Jiong Tu2010 3.58 (3 Critiq.)
Postman in Shangri-La 香格里拉信使2007 3.58 (3 Critiq.)
the butcher, the chef and the swordman 2011 3.58 (3 Critiq.)
COW 斗牛2009 3.56 (4 Critiq.)
Be Blessed with Double Happiness 2005 3.5 (1 Critiq.)
The Other Half Yi Ban Yi Ban2007 3.5 (1 Critiq.)
The Dream Factory 甲方乙方1997 3.5 (2 Critiq.)

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