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Tricky Brains

main information

english title Tricky Brains
original title 整蠱專家

cast & crew

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director WONG Jing - 王晶
actorStephen CHOW Sing-Chi - 周星馳
Andy LAU Tak-Wah - 劉德華
TANG Tai-Woh
Benz KONG To-Hoi
Deon LAM Dik-On - 林迪安
PAU Hon-Lam - 鮑漢琳
Charlie CHO Cha-Lei - 曹查理
LO Fan
SHING Fui-On - 成奎安
John CHING Tung
Waise LEE Chi-Hung - 李子雄
Teresa MO Sun-Kwan - 毛舜筠
Rosamund KWAN Chi-Lam - 關之琳
NG Man-Tat - 吳猛達
Chingmy YAU Suk Ching - 邱淑貞
WONG Jing - 王晶
producerJimmy HEUNG Wa-Sing
action directorBenz KONG To-Hoi
scriptwriter WONG Jing - 王晶
cinematographerPeter PAU Tak Hai

additional Info

duration1h30 environ
classificationHong-Kong: Not suitable for children


Jing Koo is an expert on playing tricks. He works for clients to play tricks on their enemies. His impeccable planning, creative devices has made him the No.1 Tricky Expert. Kei, the vice-chairman of a company, is so angry that her girlfriend has fallen in love with another man in the company, Kit. So he hires Jing Koo to play tricks on Kit...

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