List of movies

Country Title Year Avg. (nb)
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Hong-Kong The Legend of the Owl 1981 3.7 (5 Reviews)
Love Massacre 1981 2.44 (4 Reviews)
Mahjong Heroes 打雀英雄傳1981 3 (1 Reviews)
Man on the Brink 1981 3.9 (12 Reviews)
Martial Club 武館1981 3.65 (23 Reviews)
Masked Avengers Cha Sau1981 3.21 (6 Reviews)
Mobfix Patrol 1981 3.25 (2 Reviews)
Mr. Boo 4: Security Unlimited 摩登保鑣1981 3.6 (12 Reviews)
Murderer Pursues 1981 3 (2 Reviews)
My Young Auntie 長輩1981 3.5 (20 Reviews)
Night of the Assassins 1981 2.5 (1 Reviews)
Ninja Supremo 1981 2.17 (3 Reviews)
No U-Turn 1981 2.5 (1 Reviews)
Notorious Eight 千門八將1981 2.75 (1 Reviews)
Old master Cute 1981 1.25 (1 Reviews)
One Way Only 單程路1981 2.67 (3 Reviews)
Ordinance 17 1981 3 (1 Reviews)
Phantom Killer 1981 3.08 (3 Reviews)
Return of the Deadly Blade 1981 3 (2 Reviews)
Return of the Sentimental Swordsman 魔劍俠情1981 3.58 (6 Reviews)

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