CD Drunken Master II
Rock Records

21 € Add to your Cart

The Movie
English Title Drunken Master II
Aka Legend of Drunken Master
Year 1994
Country Hong-Kong
director LIU Chia-Liang - 劉家良
Jackie CHAN Sing-Long - 成龍
actor Jackie CHAN Sing-Long - 成龍
Anita MUI Yim-Fong - 梅艷芳
TI Lung - 狄龍
LIU Chia-Liang - 劉家良
Suki KWAN Sau-Mei - 關秀媚
Michelle REIS - 李嘉欣
Yvonne YUNG Hung - 翁虹
Simon YAM Tat-Wah - 任達華
Genre comedy
The Item
Movie Format :
Special Features
Distributor Rock Records
Cat. Number CH-46012

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