Cowboy Bebop - No Disc

Fiche de l'album
Titre Cowboy Bebop - No Disc
Année 1998
Description Bande Originale
compositeurKANNO Yoko
Genre Instrumentale
Durée 53'41"
Détail sur le support
Editeur Victor
Version CD
Référence VICL-60202
Composition de l'album
1American Money1'07"
2Fantaisie Sign5'19" Paroles
3Don't Bother None3'39" Paroles
4Vitamin A0'10"
5Live in Baghdad3'22"
6Cats on Mars2'44"
7Want it all Back4'01" Paroles
9You Make me Cool3'11" Paroles
10Vitamin B0'08"
11Green Bird1'53" Paroles
13Vitamin C0'06"
15The Singing Sea4'39" Paroles

The singing sea
The talking trees
A Silent in a noisy way

The stars are bright
But give no light
The world spins backward everyday

A rainbow rat
A checkered cat
Go tail in tail around the road
The mouse is pleased
The moon is cheese
The sun is shining hot and cold

A golden bird
Today I heard
Sitting upon a silver branch
His little song was very long
Which made me sad and start to laugh

My sister is he
My brother is she
But there is only me in the family
When I grow up
I'll go down
The river to the Singing Sea

16The Egg and You3'42"
17Forever You3'14"
18Power of Kung Food Remix5'28"