
658 notes, Moyenne: 2.88

Oeuvre Date Note
Hong-Kong | Japon | Animes | Autres pays | Expatriés | Toutes les sections | Année:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Princesse Mononoké 3.25
The Blade 3.25
Battle Royale 3.25
City Of SARS 3.25
Jugatsu 3.25
Kamikaze Taxi 3.25
Tokyo Raiders 3.25
Cure 3.25
Heroic Trio 3.25
Big Bullet 3.25
The Twins Effect 3.25
Dr Wai 3.25
Men Suddenly In Black 3.25
Doctor Lamb 3.25
Chungking Express 3.25
Police Confidential 3.25
Perfect Blue 3.25
Moon Warriors 3.25
She shoots straight 3.25
Ghost in the Shell 3.25
Le Marin des Mers de Chine 3.25
Attack the Gas Station! 2002/04 3.25
What a Wonderful World 3.00
Les Dieux du Jeu 3.00
Black Mask 3.00
Final Fantasy - les créatures de l'esprit 3.00
Wild Search 3.00
Adresse Inconnue 3.00
Shiver 3.00
My Boss, My Hero 3.00
Black Rain 3.00
Space Travelers 2001/10 3.00
The Marines Who Never Returned 2002/08 3.00
Mari Iyagi 2002/08 3.00
Full Contact 3.00
Le Syndicat du Crime 3.00
Big Brother 3.00
Long Arm of the Law 3.00
Your place or mine ? 3.00
Everyday is a Valentine 3.00
Slave of the Sword 3.00
Hero 3.00
Champion 2002/11 3.00
The Final Option 3.00
Ebola Syndrome 3.00
God of Cookery 3.00
Once a Thief 3.00
Young and Dangerous The Prequel 3.00
Patlabor 3.00
Phantom of Snake 3.00
Lifeline 3.00
My School Mate, Barbarian 3.00
The Mission 3.00
A Toute Epreuve 3.00
Asako in Ruby Shoes 2002/09 3.00
To Where He Belongs 3.00
Zodiac Killers 3.00
Meltdown, terreur à Hong Kong 3.00
Prison on Fire 3.00
Adieu ma concubine 3.00
Metropolis 3.00
Queen of Kowloon 3.00
Lan Yu, histoire d'hommes à Pékin 3.00
Golden Chicken 3.00
Une Flic de choc 3.00
Double Tap 3.00
C'est la vie mon chéri 3.00
X Men 3.00
Shark Busters 2003/05 3.00
Mighty Baby 3.00
High K 3.00
Killer 3.00
The Replacement Suspects 2002/02 3.00
Women's Private Parts 3.00
8 femmes et demie 3.00
Nine Girls And A Ghost 3.00
Stage Door Johnny 3.00
Three: Memories 3.00
Crying Freeman 3.00
Tiger Cage 3.00
Tears 2002/09 3.00
Mon voisin Totoro 3.00
Bungee jumping of their own 2002/04 3.00
Hong Kong 1941 3.00
Treasure Hunt 3.00
Avalon 3.00
Happy End 2002/03 3.00
April Story 2.75
Second Time Around 2.75
No Blood, No Tears 2002/09 2.75
Blue 2.75
Sexy and Dangerous 2.75
All Men Are Brothers - Blood of the Leopard 2.75
Lost In Time 2.75
The Harmonium In My Memory 2002/04 2.75
Love 2.75
Mr Vampire 2.75
Stowaway 2.75
L' été de Kikujiro 2.75
Black Cat in Jail 2.75

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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