
430 notes, Moyenne: 3.38

Oeuvre Date Note
Hong-Kong | Japon | Animes | Autres pays | Expatriés | Toutes les sections | Année:
1 2 3 4 5

Nameless Gangster 2014/05 2.25
Histoires de Fantômes Chinois 2014/05 3.25
My Little Bride 2014/05 3.75
Nobody knows 2014/05 4.25
A Long Walk 2014/05 3.75
Far Away, les soldats de l'espoir 2014/05 4.25
As One 2014/05 3.50
Sweet Rain 2014/05 2.75
Hachiko monogatari 2014/05 4.00
Kwaidan 2014/05 3.00
Les 3 royaumes 2014/05 4.25
Red Cliff II 2014/05 4.50
Outrage 2014/05 3.75
The Unforgiven 2014/05 2.50
Project A 2 2014/05 4.00
Unbeatable 2014/05 4.00
The Master 2014/06 1.00
La Hyène Intrépide 2014/06 3.75
Shaolin contre Ninja 2014/06 2.00
...ing 2014/06 3.50
G@me 2014/06 3.75
No Mercy for the Rude 2014/06 3.75
Too Beautiful To Lie 2014/06 3.25
Mère Porteuse 2014/06 2.00
Hold Up Down 2014/06 3.25
Tears for you 2014/06 3.25
Rainbow Song 2014/06 4.50
Cyrano Agency 2014/06 3.50
Postmen in the Mountains 2014/06 4.00
Oasis 2014/06 3.25
Histoires de Fantomes Chinois 2 2014/06 2.50
Jozee, the Tiger and the Fish 2014/06 3.75
Undo 2014/06 2.50
The White Storm - Narcotic 2014/06 4.25
The War of Flower 2014/06 4.00
SPL 2014/06 3.00
Bungee jumping of their own 2014/06 3.25
The Shonen Merikensack 2014/06 3.75
Wanee & Junah 2014/07 3.25
The Samurai I Loved 2014/07 3.25
Bang-ja Chronicles 2014/07 3.50
Lovesick 2014/07 4.00
Lost and Found 2014/07 3.50
The All-Out Nine - Field of Nightmares 2014/07 3.00
9 Souls 2014/07 1.75
Secret Love 2014/07 3.25
Flying Swords Of Dragon Gate 2014/07 3.50
Funuke Show Some Love, You Losers ! 2014/07 2.50
Naoko 2014/07 3.75
Shanghai Grand 2014/07 4.00
Le Labyrinthe des Rêves 2014/07 3.50
Equation of love and death 2014/07 3.25
The Thirteen Steps 2014/07 3.50
Drug War 2014/07 4.00
Zatoichi the Last 2014/07 2.50
Take care of my Cat 2014/07 4.25
Zen 2014/07 2.75
Zhou Yu's Train 2014/07 3.00
Oishi Man 2014/07 3.25
The Deep Red 2014/08 2.75
Spring Snow 2014/08 1.50
Shanghai Express 2014/08 3.75
The Bride With White Hair 2014/08 1.75
L' Auberge du Mal 2014/08 4.00
100 Days with Mr. Arrogant 2014/08 3.25
May 18 2014/08 3.75
Chungking Express 2014/08 3.75
Just one look 2014/08 4.00
Les Enfants d'Hiroshima 2014/08 3.25
La Maison des Geishas 2014/08 2.75
No More Comics! 2014/08 3.75
Lethal Ninja 2014/08 3.50
Le Petit Garçon 2014/08 3.25
Shinobi 2014/09 3.25
Thirst, ceci est mon sang 2014/09 3.00
L' exorciste Chinois 2 2014/09 2.25
Le Pornographe 2014/09 2.75
Frozen Flower 2014/09 3.75
Martial Club 2014/09 3.50
A Moment of Romance 2014/09 3.75
Ninja in the Dragon's Den 2014/09 2.00
Monday 2014/09 3.00
Viva Erotica 2014/09 4.00
Le Festin Chinois 2014/09 3.75
Chinese Odyssey 2002 2014/09 3.00
The Most Distant Course 2014/09 3.50
Les Rêves de la luciole 2014/09 3.25
Le Repas 2014/09 4.00
Midnight my love 2014/10 4.00
Crazy little thing called love 2014/10 3.50
Gosses de Tokyo 2014/10 3.25
Drive 2014/10 3.25
Who am I ? 2014/11 4.00
The Blessing Bell 2014/11 3.00
Last Present 2014/11 3.75
Jugatsu 2014/11 3.25
Le Grondement de la Montagne 2014/11 4.25
Les Salauds dorment en paix 2014/11 4.75
L' Ange Ivre 2014/11 4.50
Trois Samourais Hors-la-loi 2014/11 3.75

1 2 3 4 5
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