Paul CHANG Chung
張 沖

titre annéepays boxoffice
A Pearl in Command 1969 Hong-Kong 177 773 HK$
Mad Mad, Mad Sword 1969 Hong-Kong 339 214 HK$
Mallow Forest 1969 Hong-Kong 208 779 HK$
The Rivals 1970 Hong-Kong 82 660 HK$
Night is not Made for Stealing 1970 Hong-Kong 210 064 HK$
Violet Clove and Firebird 1970 Hong-Kong 284 252 HK$
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow 1970 Hong-Kong 129 708 HK$
Dial for Murder 1970 Hong-Kong 205 312 HK$
Les 8 Invincibles du Kung Fu 1971 Hong-Kong 924 005 HK$
I Want to Sing 1971 Hong-Kong 348 017 HK$
The Blade Spares None 1971 Hong-Kong 730 864 HK$
The Lark 1971 Hong-Kong 91 292 HK$
Jenny and Her Sexy Mother 1972 Hong-Kong 319 389 HK$
The Peeper, the Model and the Hypnotist 1972 Hong-Kong 309 705 HK$
The Private Eye 1973 Hong-Kong 427 420 HK$
Death on the Docks 1973 Hong-Kong 412 303 HK$
Love is a Four Letter Word 1973 Hong-Kong 1 176 337 HK$
Death Comes in Three 1973 Hong-Kong 602 462 HK$
Lucky, Lucky 1974 Hong-Kong 301 953 HK$
Wild as the Waves 1974 Hong-Kong 362 765 HK$
La Cité du vice 1974 Hong-Kong 2 105 822 HK$
Sup Sap Bup Dup 1975 Hong-Kong 714 414 HK$
Black Alice 1975 Hong-Kong 245 862 HK$
Born Rich 1976 Hong-Kong 560 996 HK$
Pursuit of Vengeance 1977 Hong-Kong 1 464 748 HK$
The Discharged 1977 Hong-Kong 1 544 582 HK$
Kung Fu Vs. Yoga 1979 Hong-Kong 93 316 HK$
Raining in the Mountain 1979 Hong-Kong 1 293 494 HK$
Dragon Lord 1982 Hong-Kong 17 936 344 HK$
Duel to the Death 1983 Hong-Kong 5 158 322 HK$
Le gagnant 1983 Hong-Kong 2 199 419 HK$
Lost Generation 1983 Hong-Kong 1 548 804 HK$
Soif de justice 1984 Hong-Kong 21 465 013 HK$
Le Flic de Hong-Kong 1985 Hong-Kong 30 748 643 HK$
Police Story 1985 Hong-Kong 26 626 760 HK$
Naughty Boys 1986 Hong-Kong 9 818 377 HK$
Une Flic de choc 1986 Hong-Kong 10 751 259 HK$
Shanghai Express 1986 Hong-Kong 28 122 275 HK$
Center Stage 1992 Hong-Kong 7 480 778 HK$
Center Stage 1992 France 3 000
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