DVD Turn Left, Turn Right
Warner (USA)


Excellent image, it's sharp, clean, with a very good compression, excellent colors and chromas.


Excellent sound track also, with a good use of surround speakers for the music and atmospheres. It's not Lords of the Rings of course, but for this kind of movie, it's an excellent mix.


Excellent english subs.

special features

A documentary without subs sadly, some trailers and music video. A bit disappointing. The first edition contained a notepad or some magnets. The normal edition doesn't have them anymore.


Nice animated menus, not very original, but well done. Decent cover, but could have been better.

quality/price ration

A very nice editon by Warner, and not very expensive, on the opposite of most DVDs from an US editor.

12 January 2004
François | his/her reviews
buy it For 17 €
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