DVD Sealed with a Kiss
Mei Ah


Quite disappointing, as it lacks clearly sharpness and a better compression. That's not as bad as the worst Universe image, but still, it could have been much better. Colors are a bit faded, and the image is not always very stable. Decent, nothing more.


A very minimalist 5.1 track, with few effects on the surround speakers. However, the quality is quite good for this kind of movie.


Good job, never too fast.

special features

2 trailers, the cast and crew, the synopsis.


Standard Mei Ah menus, quite good looking but not original. No animation or music of course.

quality/price ration

That's an average edition for this movie, but it's difficult to expect a re-edition with 16/9 cleaned image and fully animated menus. As it's not very expensive, that's a decent solution to discover this nice drama.

31 May 2003
François | his/her reviews
buy it For 15 €
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