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The Occupant

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Cinemasie's opinions

1 reviews: 2/5

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7 reviews: 2.64/5

François 2 We were expecting better...
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We were expecting better...

When you have a cast and crew like those one, Ronny Yu, Chow Yun-Fat, Sally Yeh, you can have some legitimate expectations. Sadly, The Occupant is not really up to those expectations. The story is quite common, the directing from Ronny Yu also, and the comedy part falls a bit short compared to the rest. Even worse, the horror part is not really frightening. What could save the movie then ? Surprinsingly, Sally Yeh does a very nice job. She really tries her best to make us believe in her character. Chow Yun-Fat delivers his usual coolness, but it's not as efficient as usually.

So finally, who should give a chance to this movie ? Obviously two groups, the fans of Sally Yeh (yes, there are some, I belong to them), and the fans of Chow Yun-Fat. The Occupant is not as bad as their worse work, but surely far away from their best. It's watchable, but quite quickly forgotten.

14 August 2003
by François

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