List of movies

Country Title Year Avg. (nb)
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Hong-Kong The Moon-Blanch'd Land 月兒彎彎照九州1952
A Songstress Called Hong Lingyan 歌女紅菱艷1953
It Blossoms Again 再春花1954
Rose I Love You 玫瑰玫瑰我愛你1954
The Ingenious Seduction 唐伯虎與秋香1956
Booze, Boobs and Bucks 酒色財氣1957
Miss Evening Sweet 夜來香1957
The Unforgettable Night 一夜風流1958
A Beancurd Shih Sze 豆腐西施1959
The Adulteress 1962 3 (1 Reviews)
Return of the Phoenix 1962 1.62 (2 Reviews)
Love Eterne 梁山伯與祝英台1962 4.22 (8 Reviews)
The Crimson Palm 1963 3 (1 Reviews)
The Female Prince 1963 4 (1 Reviews)
The Shepherd Girl 1963 3 (1 Reviews)
How the Oil Vendor Won the Beauty Queen 賣油郎獨佔花魁女1964
The West Chamber 西廂記1965 3 (1 Reviews)
Forever and Ever 1966 3 (1 Reviews)
Hong Kong Nocturne 香江花月夜1967 3.08 (6 Reviews)
Hong Kong Rhapsody 花月良宵1968 4.25 (3 Reviews)

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
| Only movies with reviews | Projects/Shooting in progress
