List of movies

Country Title Year Avg. (nb)
Previous Page Next Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Japan The Days of No Return Kaerazaru hibi1978 3.5 (2 Reviews)
Fireworks Over the Sea 海の花火1952 2.5 (1 Reviews)
The Beast Shall Die Yajû shisubeshi1959 3 (1 Reviews)
Streets of Violence, the Pen Never Lies bôryoku no machi - pen itsu­wa­razu1950 3.5 (1 Reviews)
A Rose on His Arm 太陽とバラ1956 3 (1 Reviews)
An Inn at Osaka 愛と死の谷間1954 3 (1 Reviews)
- Gen­daikko1963 3.25 (1 Reviews)
The Girl in the Rumour 噂の娘1935 2.75 (1 Reviews)
Mud Spattered Purity doro­da­rake no junjô1963 3.5 (1 Reviews)
Our Marriage 私たちの結婚1961 3 (1 Reviews)
Farewell to Dream 夕やけ雲1956 2.5 (1 Reviews)
The War Tôsô zen'ya1982 3 (1 Reviews)
Niguruma no uta nigu­ruma no uta1959 4 (1 Reviews)
Battle of Roses 薔薇合戦1950 2.5 (1 Reviews)
Both You and I 俺もお前も1946 3 (1 Reviews)
Who’s the Real Killer koro­shita no wa dareda1957 4.25 (1 Reviews)
Five Men in the Circus サーカス五人組1935 2.75 (1 Reviews)
Notes of an Itinerant Performer 歌女おぼえ書1941 3.5 (1 Reviews)
Street Without End 限りなき舗道1934 2.75 (1 Reviews)
A Woman's Sorrows 女人哀愁1937 3 (1 Reviews)

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