
Reviews for section "animes": 54 grades, Average grade: 3.34

Work Date Grade
Hong-Kong | Japan | Anime | Other asian countries | Expatriates | All the sections | Year:

Miss Hokusai 2.50
5cm 4.00
Akira 2008/09 4.00
The Boy and The Beast 3.00
The Case of Hana and Alice 3.50
Castle In The Sky 4.50
The end of Evangelion 2009/01 3.50
Evangelion: 1.0 You Are [Not] Alone 2009/03 3.00
Evangelion: Death & Rebirth 2008/12 2.00
Evangelion:2.22 You Can (Not) Advance 2011/03 3.25
From Kokuriko Hill 2012/01 3.00
Ghost in the Shell 4.00
Grave of the Fireflies 4.50
Howl's Moving Castle 3.00
Innocence: Ghost in the Shell 2.00
Interstella 5555 2008/03 3.25
Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade 3.50
Kiki's Delivery Service 3.00
Little Norse Prince 3.50
Manual of Ninja Arts 2011/10 3.00
Memories 4.00
Millennium Actress 2008/07 4.25
My Neighbors the Yamadas 3.00
My neighbour Totoro 4.00
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind 4.00
Neon Genesis Evangelion 2008/11 4.00
Only Yesterday 3.50
Paprika 2008/07 3.75
Paranoļa Agent 2009/01 4.00
Perfect Blue 2008/07 4.50
Persepolis 3.00
The Place Promised in Our Early Days 3.25
Pom Poko 3.00
Ponyo on a Cliff 3.00
Porco Rosso 3.00
Princess Mononoke 4.00
Redline 2012/01 3.00
Serial Experiments Lain 3.50
Spirited away 4.50
Steamboy 2008/09 3.00
The Story of Princess Kaguya 2014/12 3.25
Summer Wars 2010/06 3.75
Sword of the Stranger 2009/06 2.75
Tales from Earthsea 2.50
Tekkon Kinkreet 3.00
The Borrowers 2011/01 3.25
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time 4.50
The Phoenix: Chapter of Dawn 2014/10 1.00
The Sky Crawlers 2010/03 2.25
The Wolf Children Ame and Yuki 2012/10 3.50
Tokyo Godfathers 2008/10 3.50
Voices of a Distant Star 2008/07 2.50
Whisper of the Heart 3.50
The Wind rises 2014/01 3.00

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