
year of Birth1914
year of Death1955


year  grade  avg.  nb
Travelling Actors 旅役者 1940 2.5 1
Drunken Angel 酔いどれ天使 1948 4.06 25 available medias for this movie
Stray Dog 野良犬 1949 4.1 36 71/100 available medias for this movie
Picture of Madame Yuki 1950 3.38 6
Rashomon 羅生門 1950 4.28 65 17/100 available medias for this movie
Scandal 醜聞(スキャンダル) 1950 3.28 16 available medias for this movie
Lady Musashino 1951 3.5 4
The Idiot 白痴 1951 4.11 21 available medias for this movie
Miss Oyu 1951 3.65 13 available medias for this movie
Repast 1951 3.81 18 available medias for this movie
To Live 生きる 1952 4.41 40 13/100 available medias for this movie
Tales of a Pale and Mysterious Moon After the Rain 1953 4.29 38 26/100 available medias for this movie
Crucified Lovers 1954 3.92 18 available medias for this movie
Legend of Bailiff Sansho 1954 4.32 28 32/100 available medias for this movie
The Seven Samurai 七人の侍 1954 4.51 90 1/100 available medias for this movie
Empress Yang Kwei Fei 1955 3.62 23 available medias for this movie
Legend of the Taira Clan 1955 3.67 18 available medias for this movie
I Live in Fear : Record of a Living Being 生きものの記録 1955 3.26 20 available medias for this movie


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Flop underline a poor performance

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