Eric KOT Man-Fai
葛 文輝


year  grade  avg.  nb
4 Faces of Eve 1996 3.33 3
The Litter on the Breeze 'First Love' 1997 3.09 11 available medias for this movie
Dragon Heat 2000 2.75 3 available medias for this movie
Super Fans 2007 2.08 6 available medias for this movie


year  grade  avg.  nb
Butterfly 蝴蝶 2004 4.03 8 available medias for this movie
In Between 1994 4 1
Juliet in Love 朱麗葉與梁山伯 2000 3.7 26 available medias for this movie
Chinese Odyssey 2002 天下無雙 2002 3.6 42 available medias for this movie
Perfect Wedding 抱抱俏佳人 2010 3.5 1 available medias for this movie
Feel 100% 2 百份百感覺 II 2001 3.5 2 available medias for this movie
July Rhapsody 男 人 四 十 2002 3.45 14 available medias for this movie
Fly me to Polaris 星願 1999 3.42 12 available medias for this movie
Men Suddenly In Black 大丈夫 2003 3.35 43 available medias for this movie
4 Faces of Eve 1996 3.33 3
Tricky Business 整蠱王 1995 3.33 3 available medias for this movie
Love in the Time of Twilight 1995 3.29 33
Love Amoeba Style 1997 3.25 2
Sausalito 一見鍾情 2000 3.25 4 available medias for this movie
You shoot, I shoot 買兇拍人 2001 3.23 20 available medias for this movie
Blind Romance 偷偷愛你 1996 3.19 4
Fantasia 鬼馬狂懋曲 2004 3.17 28 available medias for this movie
Ah Fai The Dumb 天才與白痴 1997 3.17 3 available medias for this movie
The Litter on the Breeze 'First Love' 1997 3.09 11 available medias for this movie
Feel 100%...Once More 百份百岩 Feel 1996 3.08 3 available medias for this movie
The Lucky Guy 行運一條龍 1998 3.05 16 available medias for this movie
Out of the Blue 1995 3 1
Cocktail 半醉人間 2006 3 1 available medias for this movie
Hotel Soul Good 女皇撞到正 2018 3 1
Mary from Beijing 夢醒時分 1992 3 1 available medias for this movie
Tracy 翠絲 2018 3 1
A1 Headline 2004 2.97 22 available medias for this movie
Chinese Ghost Story - Tsui Hark animation movie 1997 2.97 22 available medias for this movie
Sound Of Colors 地下鐵 2003 2.96 12 available medias for this movie
Feel 100% 百份百感覺 1996 2.95 5 available medias for this movie
Lawyer Lawyer 算死草 1997 2.92 16 available medias for this movie
A Tale from the East 漫畫奇俠 1990 2.88 2
The Banquet 豪門夜宴 1991 2.86 7 available medias for this movie
Gen Y Cops 2 特警新人類2 2000 2.84 22 available medias for this movie
Break up 100 2014 2.83 3
L-O-V-E......Love 1997 2.81 4
Everyday is a Valentine 情迷大話王 2001 2.78 8 available medias for this movie
City Hunter 城市獵人 1993 2.76 67 available medias for this movie
The Saint of Gamblers 賭聖II之街頭賭聖 1995 2.75 3
Perfect Wedding 2010 2.75 6
Tricky King 超級整蠱霸王 1998 2.75 4 available medias for this movie
Elixir Of Love 花好月圓 2004 2.75 6 available medias for this movie
The Mean Street Story 1995 2.62 4 available medias for this movie
Hotel Deluxe 百星酒店 2013 2.58 3
Honesty 絕種好男人 2003 2.56 4 available medias for this movie
The Spy Dad 絕種鐵金剛 2003 2.56 13 available medias for this movie
Oh! My Three Guys 1994 2.5 1
Run 1994 2.5 3
World of Treasure 1995 2.5 1
Temporary Family 失戀急讓 2014 2.5 4
To Spy with Love 小心間諜 1990 2.5 2 available medias for this movie
If you care 賤精先生 2002 2.28 8 available medias for this movie
He comes from Planet K 1997 2.25 2 available medias for this movie
Super Fans 2007 2.08 6 available medias for this movie
Bodyguards of Last Governor 1996 2 2
The Bounty 2012 2 3
Afraid of Nothing, the Jobless King 失業皇帝 1999 2 1 available medias for this movie
Bet To Basic 打雀英雄傳 2006 1.62 2 available medias for this movie
Half Twin 半邊靈 2006 1.25 1 available medias for this movie
Super Mischieves 無敵反斗星 1995
Monkey King- Quest for the Sutra (TV) 2002
Feel it Say It... 谈谈情,说说性 2006 available medias for this movie
Dream And Desire 愛火花 2003


Top rewards a valuable job.

Flop underline a poor performance

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