Chan Gau / Chen Jiu


year  grade  avg.  nb
Fearless Kung Fu Elements 1978


year  grade  avg.  nb
7 Grandmasters 虎豹龍蛇鷹絕拳 1978 3.7 15 available medias for this movie
Born Invincible 1978 3.67 10
The Shaolin Kids 少林小子 1978 3.33 3 available medias for this movie
Return of the 18 Bronzemen 雍正大破十八銅人 1976 3.12 2 available medias for this movie
The Blazing Temple 火燒少林寺 1976 3.05 5 available medias for this movie
The Hot, The Cool and The Vicious 1976 2.45 5
Blood Avenger 1974 2.25 1
Two Great Cavaliers 1978 2.12 2
Two Assassins of Darkness 1977 2 1
Men of the Hour 1977 2 1
Dragon Blows 1974 1.75 1
13 Styles Strike 1979 1.5 1
Lantern Festival Adventure 鄉野奇談 1977 1.25 3
Ten Brothers of Shaolin 1979 1 1
Ninja Swords of Death 1981
The Crazy Guy 1975
Duel in the Tiger Den 1972
Redbeard 1971
The Damned 1977
Fearless Kung Fu Elements 1978
My Blade, My Life 1982
Chinese Amazons 1975
The Fist that Kills 1972
The Crane Fighters 1979
The Idiot Swordsman 1979
Golden Mask 1977
Kung-Fu of Eight Drunkards 1980
Deadly Fists Kung Fu 1974
The Two Tigers 1973
Four Winds 1971 available medias for this movie
The Big Raid 1974
Heroes of the Eastern Skies 1977 available medias for this movie
The Battle of Guningtou 1979
Unsung Heroes of the Wilderness 1971


Top rewards a valuable job.

Flop underline a poor performance

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