Bruce LI Siu Lung
Bruce Li / Ho Chung Dao / Ho Chung Tao / Ho Chong Dao


year  grade  avg.  nb
Counter Attack 1981 3 2
Fists of Bruce Lee 1979


year  grade  avg.  nb
Game of Death 死亡遊戲 1978 1.88 48 available medias for this movie
Bruce Li in New Guinea 1978 1.21 6
Cinema of Vengeance 1994 3 5 available medias for this movie
Top fighter 1995 3.1 5 available medias for this movie
Goodbye Bruce Lee: His Last Game of Death 1975 1.19 4 available medias for this movie
Chinese Iron Man 中國鈇人 1975 2.42 3 available medias for this movie
Edge of Fury 1978 2.25 3
Bruce Lee The Invincible 1978 1.33 3
Bruce Lee's Deadly Kung Fu 1976 1.92 3
Bruce Lee Against Supermen 1975 0 2
Triangular Duel 鐵三角 1972 2.5 2 available medias for this movie
Dragon Force 1982 1.38 2
The Last Strike 1976 2.38 2
Dragon Dies Hard 1977 1.12 2
Chinese Connection 2 1977 1.75 2
Counter Attack 1981 3 2
Jeet Kune the Claws and the Supreme Kung Fu 1979 3 2
Bruce Lee -- The True Story 1976 3.12 2
Bruce and the Iron Finger 1979 2.38 2
Bruce Lee - A Dragon Story 1974 2 1
Storming Attacks 1978 2.75 1
Dynamo 1978 1.5 1
Return of the Tiger 1977 2.5 1
Exit the Dragon, Enter the Tiger 1976 2 1
The Lama Avenger 1979 1.5 1
Blind Fist of Bruce 1979 2.5 1
Deadly Strike 1978
Hero of Kwantung 1974
Magnum Fist 1978
Duel in the Tiger Den 1972
Gecko Kung Fu 1972
The Death Duel 1972
Not Again! 1990
Fists of Bruce Lee 1979
Legend of Bruce Lee 1976
The Gold Connection 1979
Enter the Panther 1976
The Ming Patriots 1976


year  grade  avg.  nb
Counter Attack 1981 3 2

action director

year  grade  avg.  nb
Bruce Lee The Invincible 1978 1.33 3


Top rewards a valuable job.

Flop underline a poor performance

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