Abe KWONG Man-Wai


year  grade  avg.  nb
Fighting To Survive 一蚊雞保鑣 2001 3.58 3 available medias for this movie
F***/Off 亞李.爸爸-兩個大盜 1998 3.38 2
Visible Secret 2 幽靈人間II鬼味人間 2002 1.88 4 available medias for this movie


year  grade  avg.  nb
The Crucifixion 1994 2.75 1


year  grade  avg.  nb
Once in a Lifetime 1995 3 1
24 Hours Ghost Story 1997 3 2
Visible Secret 幽靈人間 2001 2.75 13 available medias for this movie
The Four 2012 2.75 2
Haunted Karaoke 猛鬼卡拉OK 1997 1.5 1 available medias for this movie


year  grade  avg.  nb
Blue Lightning 藍色霹靂火 1991 3.88 8 available medias for this movie
F***/Off 亞李.爸爸-兩個大盜 1998 3.38 2
Ghostly Vixen 1990 3.29 6
The Inspector Wears Skirts 4 神勇飛虎霸王花 1992 3.11 9 available medias for this movie
The Roar of the Vietnamese 越青 1991 3.09 8 available medias for this movie
24 Hours Ghost Story 1997 3 2
The Day That Doesn't Exist 1995 3 1
Once in a Lifetime 1995 3 1
The Third Full Moon 1994 3 1
Thou Shalt Not Swear 1993 3 1
A Queer Story 基佬40 1997 2.88 2 available medias for this movie
14 Blades 2010 2.81 20 available medias for this movie
Visible Secret 幽靈人間 2001 2.75 13 available medias for this movie
The Crucifixion 1994 2.75 1
July 13th 七月十三之龍婆 1996 2.75 2 available medias for this movie
The Inspector Wears Skirts 2 神勇飛虎霸王花 1989 2.6 13 available medias for this movie
Erotic Ghost Story 2 聊齋艷譚續集五通神 1991 2.44 4 available medias for this movie
Midnight Angel 1988 2.31 4 available medias for this movie
Visible Secret 2 幽靈人間II鬼味人間 2002 1.88 4 available medias for this movie


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