my grade


Street of Love and Hope

number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 4number of reviews: 3number of reviews: 4number of reviews: 6number of reviews: 1

Cinemasie's opinions

3 reviews: 2.83/5

your opinions

15 reviews: 3.6/5

ThienAn 4.5
sumisu-san 4
Samehada 2.75
Pikul 3
OshimaGosha 4
Omerieux 4
nisei 4
k-chan 4
jinroh 3.75
Illitch Dillinger 3.5
hkyume 2.5
Bastian Meiresonne 3
Anel-kun 3.5

order by grades | date | reviewer    lengths: any length medium and long only long only

a street of love and hope (Seishun zankoku monogatari )

another of panorama HK's platinum classics series of 100 years of japanese cinema. this is the directorial debut of oshima nagisa. all the way back to 1960. this is a touching tale of class in post war japan. i am not going into the story so much here as the details of the dvd release. the quality is ok. picture isn't great and appears to have not been remastered in any way. audio seems untouched as well. this isn't the worst HK dvd i have seen and since the film isn't really available with english subtitles any other way, it is a must have for fans of oshima who aren't fluent in japanese. matane, sumisu p.s. i got this dvd at musica in paris. a good place to buy dvds. friendly staff and loads of selection.

13 August 2003
by sumisu-san

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