my grade

top 100: #28

Iron Monkey

number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 1number of reviews: 7number of reviews: 8number of reviews: 26number of reviews: 32

Cinemasie's opinions

12 reviews: 4.15/5

your opinions

62 reviews: 4.21/5

nebular 5
Sébastien 4.5
lo sam pao 4
anh steph 5
jeff 4.75
Iron Monkey 4.5
YAMCHA92 4.75
jade 4.5
amashu 5
Chang La Rage 3.5
vincent 4
MithX2 4.5
Khanheda 4
Guesar 5
ToKoLoKo 5
noar13 5
La girardasse 4
ryoma 4
tsunami 5
Donnie Yen 4.75
fong-sai-yuk 5
Secret Tears 3.25
seijûrô hiko 4.75
lastblade 5
bwoo 4.5
Oiggab 3.25
TsimShaTsui 4.75
Jérémy 4.75
TajômaruIsBack 5
chronofixer 4
Hots@uce 4.25
a woo 3.75
hayaku 4.75
Sifu Tetsuo 4.5
Manolo 4
Bart052 4.25
Cuneyt Arkin 4.25
Fred30 4
osdohtem 4.75
lesamouraifou 3.5
JoHell 4
k-chan 4
Bastian Meiresonne 4.25
Scalp 4.75
Sauzer 4
seizan 4
pikoti 3
Izzy 3
Illitch Dillinger 3.25
jeff_strike 3.75
Heaven 2.5
Oh Dae-soo 4.25
Jonathan-Asia 3.5
jool 4
Muppet 4
KrazyMeer 4
Phildu62 5
shaya 3.5
Hidelirium 3.5
Mémé 5
A-b-a 4.5

order by grades | date | reviewer    lengths: any length medium and long only long only

Siunin Wong Fei-hung tsi titmalau

Say hello to one of the best martial arts movies of all time."Iron Monkey",directed by the master of this genre,Yuen Woo-Ping("Twin Warriors","Wing Chun") is a real martial arts masterpiece! It's some kind of prequel to "Once Upon A Time in China"series,where Wong Fei-hung is already an adult. The cast is awsome,the cinematography is excellent,the plot is fine(It's some kind of Robin Hood story..) and the fight scenes....they're nothing less than perfect! Ping's fight choreography is amazing and stunning.He did his best job in this movie as a choreographer.The acting is fine,especially Yen's.He prooves again,that is the man with one of the best skills in martial arts! This movie id highly recommendet to all fans of martial arts movies and to everyone else,because "Iron Monkey" is smart,entertaining,funny and energetic wire-fu flick!

01 March 2005
by nebular

buy it
