my grade


Ichi The Killer

number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 1number of reviews: 1number of reviews: 4number of reviews: 5number of reviews: 11number of reviews: 10number of reviews: 29number of reviews: 17

Cinemasie's opinions

9 reviews: 2.78/5

your opinions

69 reviews: 3.88/5

ongo 4.25
Izzy 5
elvacaloca 3
750XX 4.25
893 3.75
Hans 4.5
Bamboo 2
Bart052 4.25
hendy 4.5
bette 5
Rage_against_the_machine 3.25
Black_pantha 2.5
el sinior canard 4.5
jeff 4.25
chronofixer 4
Sorcier Sifu 4.75
darth-oli 4.25
dll_povtyp 3.25
Firimar 2.5
florian 5
geez 4
Guesar 5
Chip E 3
Bastian Meiresonne 3.75
Hojo 4.25
Iron Monkey 3.75
Xjet 1.5
JoHell 4.75
SuperDurian 3.75
jep 3.5
Samehada 4.25
koalaurent 3
koneko 2.5
gerald 4
KrazyMeer 4.75
Sauzer 4.25
Chang La Rage 4
lo sam pao 3.75
Sir the metal 4.5
luctuosys 4.5
Illitch Dillinger 3.75
Merlin Frit 3.75
Miyuki 3
Oiggab 4
nisei 4
omnio 4.25
orco666 4.5
osdohtem 5
OshimaGosha 4.5
Flichtenbloden 3.5
Pikul 4
mat rey 2.5
Anel-kun 4
Scaar Alexander Trox 3.25
Secret Tears 4
spud 4
Sifu Tetsuo 5
Simon VD 3
Inoran 4
seijûrô hiko 4.25
Cuneyt Arkin 4
Tequila 4
Môh Tsu 4.5
TsimShaTsui 4
White Snake 4.75
tu0r 4
ultima 3
Oh Dae-soo 4
yansan 4
Bama Dillert 1

order by grades | date | reviewer    lengths: any length medium and long only long only

Ichie the killer

This is a movie you will either love or hate I saw the un-cut 128 minutes version and I am glad I watched this version cos I dont think I would have enjoyed a stripped down version of this movie Ok this is violent ( but there are more hardcore movies out there really ) Actcing is good , realistic special effects , simple but effective camera work ( usual Miike style ) hey you should really see this movie , because if you'v heard about this movie and gone this far to find out about it , it's beacause you are eager to see it

22 February 2004
by ongo

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