my grade

top 100: #20

Drunken Master II

number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 1number of reviews: 1number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 5number of reviews: 17number of reviews: 17number of reviews: 48

Cinemasie's opinions

12 reviews: 4.19/5

your opinions

77 reviews: 4.22/5

nebular 5
angelo 5
scortox 4.5
jeff 5
Damayanti 4.75
Oy-Sang 4.5
Guile 21 5
Chang La Rage 4
lo sam pao 4.5
Chibi J 4.75
WFH 4.5
Jérémy 4.5
La girardasse 4.75
vincent 4.5
Khanheda 4.5
ArkyvD 5
Guesar 4.75
feihong 5
Secret Tears 3.5
omnio 5
Kamiku 4
Marcellius 4.5
Iron Monkey 5
Macareux moine de Bretagne 4
lastblade 3.75
Maggielover 4
tsunami 4.75
White Snake 3
tsui chik 5
750XX 3.75
Sir the metal 5
momo 5
Sauzer 5
sai 5
snipe-wolf 5
le-maitre-chinois 5
Kelly 4.75
mattMAGNUM 4
Hots@uce 4
chronofixer 3.75
Luyi 4.75
Izzy 4.75
Flichtenbloden 5
Sifu Tetsuo 5
el sinior canard 3.25
Dakysto 3.5
hayaku 5
QuyTam 3
Fred30 5
Cuneyt Arkin 4.5
Manolo 5
popoyo 4
Bart052 4.25
ultima 3.75
sanosuke 4
osdohtem 4.5
lesamouraifou 4
JoHell 4.5
Chip E 3.5
Samehada 4
Bama Dillert 3.5
dll_povtyp 3.5
Hidelirium 1.75
Scalp 5
Hotsu 3
k-chan 4.5
Toto456 2
pikoti 4
niconewfunk 4.75
jeff_strike 4.5
Illitch Dillinger 4
Miyuki 3.5
Oh Dae-soo 4
Muppet 4.5
jool 3.75
Shalashaska 3
Phildu62 5
pomme de pin 1.25
Stash Kroms 3.75
tu0r 4.25
A-b-a 3.5

order by grades | date | reviewer    lengths: any length medium and long only long only

Jui kuen

Without a doubt, "Drunken Master 2" is one of the greatest martial arts movies ever made! After the success of the original "Drуnken Master"(1978),Jackie Chan becomes an international martial arts star.In the early 90's most of his projects were an action flicks ,filled with martial arts and humor. Jackie Chan broke his usual tendency to go against popular trends and created this marvelous kung-fu flick,where he plays the celebrated historical figure Wong Fei-hung. I love every minute of this movie!The story was well-crafted,there is a cast of stars from three generation-Lau Kar-leung,Ti Lung and Anita Mui Yim-fong,who made an over-the-top perfomance as Mrs.Wong.She becomes my favourite character in this movie.Ths cinematography was gorgeous and the music score was superb(William Woo Wai-lap). But the most impressive thing of all was the fight sequences.They are simply the best ever put on film!(including Woo-ping's "Iron Monkey"(1993)) Fight choreograhpy by Lau Kar-leung is nothing less than perfect!It's filled with grace,dynamic and beauty.And I dare to say,that this is Jackie Chan best performances in his film career! This perfectly-crafted marial arts flick is a must-see for every fan of this genre!

01 March 2005
by nebular

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