my grade


Dark Water

number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 1number of reviews: 1number of reviews: 1number of reviews: 7number of reviews: 8number of reviews: 24number of reviews: 32number of reviews: 16

Cinemasie's opinions

10 reviews: 3.85/5

your opinions

80 reviews: 3.8/5

White Snake 2.75
750XX 4.25
a woo 3
an nhiên 1.5
Anel-kun 3.5
antigone 3
ArzaK 5
aucun 4
Bama Dillert 4
Bastian Meiresonne 4.25
BigCreator 5
Bjam 2.75
Black_pantha 3.5
bwoo 4.25
Cao Cao 3.75
cedsifu 4
Chip E 3.5
chronofixer 2.75
cityhunter 4
conrad 3.75
Cuneyt Arkin 3.75
Dakysto 4.75
darth-oli 3.5
David Federmann 3.25
deckard73 3.75
el sinior canard 3.25
Farlane 3.5
Flichtenbloden 4
french touch 3.5
Gaor 3.5
gerald 4.5
hendy 4
Hidelirium 3.5
Hojo 3.75
Hotsu 4
Inoran 4.5
Iron Monkey 4.25
Izzy 5
jeff 4
jeff_strike 4.25
jep 3.75
Jérémy 3
Jérôme.D 4.5
JoHell 4
Jonathan-Asia 5
JSM 4.25
Killdonalduck 4.25
Kit Mat 5
koalaurent 3.75
Kokoro 4.25
La girardasse 2.75
LiMuBai 3.75
lo sam pao 3.75
Macareux moine de Bretagne 5
mat rey 5
math_attack 4.5
mizambal 2.75
nihonlover 4.75
nisei 4
Oh Dae-soo 5
Oiggab 3.25
Omerieux 3.5
osdohtem 4
Pikul 4.25
Raphael Guyot 2.5
Samehada 3.75
Scaar Alexander Trox 3.75
Sébastien 5
Shalashaska 1
Sifu Tetsuo 4.25
Simon VD 2.75
Sir the metal 4
spud 4.5
takeruprod 4
ToKoLoKo 2
Toxicguineapig 3
Tred 3.25
tynitoons 4.5
X27 3.5
yansan 3.75
yuki-onna 4.25

order by grades | date | reviewer    lengths: any length medium and long only long only

One of the best stories

This is a very lovely movie about the relationship between mother and daughter in an abandon apartment building,it's very creepy,a movie which can't let you go,it makes you get afraid of water and little girls,not good news for travel agencies:bye bye sunny beaches with lots of beautifuls girls,no seriously :it's one of my favourite movies and it can be yours too.

25 January 2004
by nihonlover

Think twice before moving in...

Dark Water is a original story from the director of "Ringu", Nakata Hideo. Well, you know what to expect - it's clearly an horror show once again. This time everything revolves around water, as the title may suggest. The story begins with the ongoing negociations for the divorce of a 30 years old woman. She would like to keep the guard of her child, Ikuko, even though her ex-husband is trying to destabilise her to make her lose. Nevertheless, she manages, for a while, to keep Ikuko with her. She moves in a very old apartment building - attracted by the price, probably. A few days later, she starts noticing something strange : the ceiling is always dripping, and the stain of humidity grows larger and larger... It seems like Dark Water is a movie made for women. Most of the characters are of that gender, and men seem to have little importance in the experience. Besides, it's nowhere near as scary as "Ringu". Of course the director masters the art of making you feel uneasy. The long shots on the characters eyes... the creepy noises (cut & paste from "Ringu")... everything follows a unwritten equation. However, the storyline is pretty predictable and you are going to wait for the next scary scene. Don't get me wrong - Dark Water is worth a look. The actors keep the pace going on. But it's a little too common. There's nothing that stands out. One thing is sure, Nakata has potential. He's probably waiting for the next excellent script. You should be frightenned if he finds one.

21 September 2004
by Raphael Guyot

buy it
