Kill Bill et la censure par Tarantino


14/09/03 01:15 

Tout le monde (enfin tout le monde de ceux que ça intéresse uniquement) se demande comment Tarantino va contourner (ou non) le MPAA (movie parental american association je pense) pour Kill Bill. Ds une itw accordée au magazine Fangoria il aborde la question de la censure et franchement ça n'a pas l'air de lui poser de pb au messieur >

"It's going to be challenging, but not a challenge. See, I have a really great relationship with the MPAA. I've always worked really well with them and they've worked well with me. I've never understood directors like Wes Craven or Brian De Palma who are like, "F*ck you, assholes, you guys are f*cking Nazis. Screw you!" Well, what the f*ck do you think their response is gonna be when you treat them like that? And when you bitch about them to the press all the time, how the hell do you think you're gonna get what you want? I have always been very understanding of [the MPAA] as far as, they have a tough job to do and they could do it a lot worse than they do. Everyone bitches at them when they're wrong, but no one ever gives them credit when they're right. I don't see the horror fans applauding them when they give Cabin Fever an R. "Hey! Good job, MPAA!" I don't see FANGORIA applauding them when they give From Dusk Till Dawn an R. "Green blood and vampires, it's funny, we get it."

See, they've got a line to walk; they've got to both represent, more or less, the parents of America, whose kid might unsuspectingly see a movie, but they also, even though they don't say it, they know they have a responsibility to filmmakers and to the art from. They don't say that they do, but they do. When I work with them, they understand. Some filmmakers bitch because they don't have a set of rules and they change it for each movie. But that's what you want! You want it to be flowing. You don't want a set of rules, you want them judging each film as it's own case. But also, between the MPAA and every jerkwater county in America having their won obscenity laws, you want the MPAA! "

source ; hitman de kfccinema

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14/09/03 01:35 RE: Kill Bill et la censure par Tarantino

Ca ne lui pose aucun problème vu qu'il pourra de toute façon mettre les scènes censurées dans la version destinée à l'Asie. Parce que je le vois mal fayoter les censures coréennes ou japonaises pour qu'ils acceptent d'inclure une scène de scalp ou la scène du viol dans la version salles. Finalement c'était pas une mauvaise idée de faire des montages différents selon les continents.:)

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