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It's a Wonderful Life

main information

english title It's a Wonderful Life
original title 心想事成

cast & crew

directorRonald CHENG Chung Kei - 鄭中基
actorRonald CHENG Chung Kei - 鄭中基
Vincent KOK Tak-Chiu - 谷德昭
Tony LEUNG Ka-Fai - 梁家輝
Danny CHAN Kwok-Kwan
Kate YEUNG Kei - 楊淇
Miki YEUNG - 楊愛瑾Miki
scriptwriterPatrick KONG Lim Sun

additional Info

duration105 min
classificationHong-Kong: Not suitable for children and young teenagers


Heavenly god Thunder (Ronald Cheng) is in a bit of a bind. Years ago, he made an empty promise to a child named Ding Dong, but heavenly rules strictly forbid disingenuity. To clean his slate, Thunder descends from heaven to assist Ding Dong (Vincent Kok), who has since grown up to be a portly, harried man of many misfortunes. At work, he's constantly bullied by his boss (Tony Leung). His kooky artist wife (Louisa So) is in danger of being stolen away by her even crazier cousin (Cheung Tat Ming). His stuttering brother-in-law (Alex Fong) is in trouble with the triads because of his gambling girlfriend (Miki Yeung). His sister (Kate Yeung) is a crying lovelorn mess. Having promised his girlfriend (Mia Yam) a timely return, Thunder assumes that he can fix everything with a snap of his fingers, but things aren't as simple as they seem in the mortal world. Quick fixes only lead to quicker problems.

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