my grade

Home Sweet Home

main information

english title Home Sweet Home
aka Vanishing Point, Monster

cast & crew

directorSoi CHENG Po-Shui - 鄭保瑞
actor LI Peng - 李鵬Chan Kin Shing
Karena LAM Ka-Yan - 林嘉欣Yim Hung
HSU Chi - 舒淇May
Alex FONG Chung-Sun - 方中信Ray
LAM Suet - 林雪Lo Wai
TAM Chun HoChi Lo
Matthew CHOW Hoi-Kwong - 鄒凱光
KOAN Hui OnMr. Lok
producerLawrence CHENG Tan-Shui - 鄭丹瑞
Stanley TONG Gwai-Lai
composerRaymond WONG Ying-Wah
Tommy WAI Kai-Leung
scriptwriter TANG Lik Kei
SZETO Kam-Yuen
editorAngie LAM On-Yee
cinematographerHorace WONG Wing Hang

additional Info

production studioFilmko Pictures


On the day Architect Ray moves in with his wife May and three-year-old son Man, they are thrilled that "the good life" is at last within their grasp. Little do they know that they have entered the jaws of hell, and danger lurks in every hidden corner of the expansive and labyrinthine compound.

One night, May takes Man to the park. Just as she turns her attention away for a brief moment to chat to the new neighbors, Man disappears without a trace. He has altogether vaporized. Rumors start to spread about the place being haunted. Someone even said that he is caught by a "monster"...

(source : DVD)

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