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Tokyo Lullaby

main information

english title Tokyo Lullaby

cast & crew

director ICHIKAWA Jun
actor NAGATSUKA Kyozo
MOMOI Kaori - 桃井かおり

additional Info

duration88 mins


Koichi Hamanaka suddenly returns to the tightly knit community, a shopping district, in a corner of Tokyo that he once called home. His whereabouts and his activities over the past few years are a mystery to everyone, including his parents, and the wife and child he left behind. His wife Hisako is torn between her love for him and her attempt to overcome the pain she suffered when he deserted them. Tami Osawa, Hamanaka's former lover, runs the shop in the neighbourhood. Meanwhile, Asakura, a writer who has taken a liking to Hisako, starts to look into the past to try and find out why Hisako could have married a man like Hamanaka. In doing so, he comes across details from Tami's life. As the past resurfaces and unravels, Koichi, Hisako and Tami's lives are irrevocably affected.

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