my grade

Tempting Heart

main information

english title Tempting Heart
original title 心動

cast & crew

directorSylvia CHANG Ai Chia - 張艾嘉
actor KANESHIRO Takeshi - 金城武
Leon DAI Lap Yan - 戴立忍
Jo KUK Cho-Lam - 谷祖琳
Michael TONG Man-Lung
Cherry YEUNG Suet-Yi - 楊雪儀
Elaine KAM Yin-Ling
Sylvia CHANG Ai Chia - 張艾嘉
William SO Wing-Hong - 蘇永康
Gigi LEUNG Wing-Kei - 梁詠琪
Karen MOK Man-Wai - 莫文蔚
producer CHONG Ching
cinematographerMark LEE Ping Bin

additional Info

classificationHong-Kong: Not suitable for children and young teenagers


Cheryl is a Hong Kong-based film director. She uses the story of her first true love as the basis for her next project. As she tells the tale to a screenwriter, Cheryl relives old memories from a time of innocence. Ho-jun is a shy youngster, more interested in his guitar than school. A chance encounter between Ho-jun and Sheo-rou leads to a first sweet taste of romance. However, an innocent adventure turns sour when Sheo-rou's mother discovers that the young couple have spent the night together at a hotel...

(source: DVD)

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