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The Stool Pigeon

main information

english title The Stool Pigeon
aka Beast Stalker 2: Informant
french titleThe Insider

cast & crew

directorDante LAM Chiu-Yin - 林超賢
actorNicholas TSE Ting-Fung - 謝霆鋒
GUEY Lun-Mei - 桂纶镁
Nick CHEUNG Ka-Fai - 張家輝
LU Yi - 陸毅
LIU Kai-Chi - 廖啟智
Sherman CHUNG Shu Man
scriptwriterJack NG Wai Lun

additional Info

production studioHuayi Brothers Pictures Co., L


Senior Inspector Don Lee relies heavily on the information provided by stool pigeons in his job. Barbarian is a painstakingly meticulous armed robber. Don needs an informant to infiltrate his gang and recruits street-racer Ghost, Jr. Ghost, Jr. delivers, but for internal political reasons Don is unable to effectively act on the information until it is too late. Since Barbarian has not left any evidence. Don is pressured to convince Ghost, Jr. to become a witness for the prosecution. Barbarian's gang splits up and Ghost. Jr. barely escapes with his life. A disillusioned Don is left wondering if his quest for justice is worth the price that often has to be paid.

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