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Magnificent Scoundrels

main information

english title Magnificent Scoundrels
original title 情聖

cast & crew

director LEE Lik-Chi - 李力持
actorStephen CHOW Sing-Chi - 周星馳
Amy YIP Chi May - 葉子楣
Mimi CHU Mi-Mi
Gabriel WONG Yat-San - 黄一山
Corey YUEN Kwai - 元奎
YUEN Wah - 元華
WU Ma - 午馬
Roy CHEUNG Yiu-Yeung - 張耀揚
Teresa MO Sun-Kwan - 毛舜筠
KWAI Chung
Sandra NG Kwun-Yu - 吳君如
Karl MAKA - 麥嘉
producerDanny LEE Sau-Yin - 李修賢
Karl MAKA - 麥嘉
action directorCorey YUEN Kwai - 元奎
scriptwriter LEE Lik-Chi - 李力持

additional Info

distributorGolden Princess


Shing (Chow) and Betty ( Mo) are two hapless cons who find themselves competing against each other in a game of one-upmanship. However, Betty is in serious debt to a group of loan sharks and when she is seen together with Shing the debt becomes their combined problem. Forced to remain together, the two concoct a plan to break into a rich man's house whilst he is away. Unbeknownst to them though, the loans sharks have also instructed their own man (Wu Ma) to steal antiques from the same house. As if this wasn't farcical enough, when rumours of a rich cousin getting into town filter through, one giant scheme is undertaken by all concerned to fool the man into handing over his hard earned cash. The question is, will any of these idiots actually emerge with any money?

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