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It's a Mad Mad Mad World 2

main information

english title It's a Mad Mad Mad World 2
original title 富貴再逼人 沈殿霞 董驃

cast & crew

directorClifton KO Chi-Sum - 高志森
Stephen SHIN Gei-Yin - 冼杞然
actorBill TUNG Biu - 董驃
Elsie CHAN Yik-Si - 陳奕詩
Loletta LEE Lai-Chun - 李麗珍
Lydia SHUM Tin-Ha - 沈殿霞
Pauline KWAN Pui-Lam

additional Info

shooting studioD&B


Bill works hard for a newspaper in order to let his daughters continue their studies overseas. He tries to get financial assistance from his boss and is insulted. One day, he is promoted to be Chief Editor and the family is given an opportunity to move to Canada. While everything runs smooth, Bill suddently gets fired. He returns to Hong Kong but discovers that he has won the firt prize Canadian Mark Six Lottery. Now, the family decides to move again...

(source: DVD Universe)

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