my grade

Heart to Hearts

main information

english title Heart to Hearts
original title 三人世界

cast & crew

directorStephen SHIN Gei-Yin - 冼杞然
actorGeorge LAM Chi-Cheung - 林子祥
Amy YIP Chi May - 葉子楣
Vivian CHOW Wai-Man - 周慧敏
Carol CHENG Yu-Ling - 鄭裕玲
Rosamund KWAN Chi-Lam - 關之琳
Angile LEUNG Wan-Yui
May LO Mei-Mei - 羅美薇
Carina LAU Ka-Ling - 劉嘉玲
producerStephen SHIN Gei-Yin - 冼杞然
scriptwriterKim WIP Kwong-Kim
SIU Kwok-Wah
Gordon CHAN Ka-Seung - 陳嘉上
NIP Wang-Fung

additional Info

production studioD&B


Alex, a creative director, works as a conductor temporarily for a choir. Two playful kids there give him a big headache. One of them is Wei Man. Her mother, being a single parent, is neurotic. She thinks Alex has an illicit desire towards Man and almost has a fight with him. She eventually finds that Alex is a gentleman. Mutual attraction blossoms into a love affair. But Alex's ex-girl friend comes back to him. Alex has to make a choice.

(source: DVD)

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