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Mad Detective

main information

english title Mad Detective
original title 神探
aka Godly Detective / Shen tan

cast & crew

directorJohnnie TO Kei-Fung - 杜琪峰
WAI Ka-Fai - 韋家輝
actor LAU Ching-Wan - 劉青雲
Andy ON Chi-Kit - 安志杰
WONG Wah-Woo
Ronald YAN Mau-Keung
LING To Yuen
Jan LAU Kam-Ling - 劉錦玲
Karen LEE
Jackson HA Chak-San
SHING Chiu-Chi
Jack LAI Jan-Lung
LAW Ching-Ting
Soi CHENG Po-Shui - 鄭保瑞
Florence KWOK
Jay LAU Kam-Ling - 刘锦玲
Kelly LAM Hei-Lui - 林希蕾
Gordon LAM Ka-Tung
Flora CHAN
Eddie CHEUNG Siu-Fai
Eddy KO Hung - 高雄
Jo KUK Cho-Lam - 谷祖琳
LAM Suet - 林雪
Jonathan LEE
producerJohnnie TO Kei-Fung - 杜琪峰
WAI Ka-Fai - 韋家輝
Tiffany CHEN Ming-Yin
composerXavier JAMAUX
scriptwriter WAI Ka-Fai - 韋家輝
AU Kin-Yee
editorTina BAZ
cinematographer CHENG Siu-Keung
executive producerCharles HEUNG Wah-Keung - 向華強
assistant directorJeff CHEUNG

additional Info

production studioMilkyway Image
production studioChinastar
production studioOne Hundred Years of Film


A missing police pistol is connected to a series of recent heists and murders. Its owner WONG died earlier while pursuing suspects in the mountains. All doubts point to his partner KO (Lam Ka Tung), who miraculously returned unharmed.

Hotshot CIB inspector KA-ON (Andy On) is in charge of the serial murder investigation. He knows the only chance he has in cracking the case is to ask his mentor/former boss BING (Lau Ching Wan) to come out from retirement.

Bing is recognized as a gifted criminal profiler until he went mad several years ago. At his superior's farewell party, Bing sliced off his right ear with a meal knife and offered it as a present. Bing lives in seclusion with his beloved wife MAY (Kelly Lin) ever since.

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