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Everlasting Regret

main information

english title Everlasting Regret
original title 長恨歌
aka Gather Ye Rose

cast & crew

directorStanley KWAN Kam-Pang - 關錦鵬
actorSammi CHENG Sau-Man - 鄭秀文
SU Yan
Tony LEUNG Ka-Fai - 梁家輝
Daniel WU Yin-Cho - 吳彥組
HU Jun - 胡軍
producerStanley KWAN Kam-Pang - 關錦鵬
artistic directorWilliam CHANG Suk Ping
editorWilliam CHANG Suk Ping
costumesWilliam CHANG Suk Ping

additional Info

production studioMedia Asia
production studioJCE
financing studioKwan's Creative Workshop Ltd
classificationHong-Kong: Not suitable for children and young teenagers


Based on Wang Anyi's Changhen Ge, the multi-award winning novel that was voted the most influential work of the 90s in China, Everlasting Regret follows a legendary Shanghai beauty from her glamourous days to her simpler life, as she struggles to preserve the dignity of her past while surviving the constant betrayal of her men. She stands tall and proud as she bears witness to the waves of changes to her city from 1947 to 1981, until one wave finally overwhelms her.

(source: DVD)

original title 长恨歌 Changhen ge

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