my grade


Don't go breaking my heart

main information

english title Don't go breaking my heart
original title Daan sun lahm lui

cast & crew

directorJohnnie TO Kei-Fung - 杜琪峰
actor GAO YuanyuanCheng Zixin
Daniel WU Yin-Cho - 吳彥組Fang Qihong
Louis KOO Tin-Lok - 古天樂Cheung Shen-ran
LAM Suet - 林雪John
Terence YIN Chi-WaiOwen
Jeana HO Pui-Yu
producer WAI Ka-Fai - 韋家輝
Johnnie TO Kei-Fung - 杜琪峰
scriptwriter YAU Nai-Hoi
WAI Ka-Fai - 韋家輝
artistic directorRaymond CHAN

additional Info

duration117 mn
classificationHong-Kong: All ages
Hong-Kong: Not suitable for children


Yen is a single girl working in Hong Kong. One day, she notices a handsome hunk in the office building across the street trying to catch her attention with paper signs. A quirky romance ensues as she starts communicating with the stranger through paper signs every day. On the day when she finally has the chance to meet him in person, she discovers that the so-called romance is onl y an embarrassing mix-up on her part. Her fate changes when she is approached by a beggar named Kevin. They start talking and soon become best friends. She learns of his origins and starts helping him rebuild his confidence and get back on tracks. However, when the previous stranger tries to win her heart back, Yin is caught in an unwanted love triangle.

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