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Doctor No...

main information

english title Doctor No...
original title 新流氓醫生

cast & crew

director MAK Kai-Gwong - 麥啟光
actorSteven MA Chun-Wai - 馬浚偉
Yoyo MUNG Ka-Wai - 蒙嘉慧
Blacky KO Sau-Leung - 柯受良
Jerry LAMB Hiu-Fung - 林曉峰
LAM Suet - 林雪
Timothy ZAO
action directorBobby WOO Chi-Lung
scriptwriter Chan Gin-Tak

additional Info


Lok, a young doctor, is arrested for murder. In his bewilderment, he flees to Macau where he meets an old lady who is so familiar in every sense, a young girl, a monk who somewhat can foretell and a godfather. The old woman helps him to recall his memory for the manslaughter and he finally realizes that she is actually the one he once loved...

(source: DVD)

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