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City Squeeze

main information

english title City Squeeze

cast & crew

directorClifton KO Chi-Sum - 高志森
actor NI Kuang
Wanda YUNG Wai-Tak
Elizabeth LEE Mei-Fung - 李美凤
Lydia SHUM Tin-Ha - 沈殿霞
Sheila CHAN Suk-Lan
Kenny BEE Chan-To - 鍾鎮濤
Tommy WONG Kwong Leung
James WONG Jim - 黃霑
producerClifton KO Chi-Sum - 高志森
scriptwriter CHEUNG Sin-Wah
Roman CHEUNG Shiu-Lun - 張肇麒

additional Info


Wong is a Department Head at Yau's film. Tough a supervisor, he is often taken advantage by his changes because of his integrity and timidity. Yau has struck rich because of his wife's wealth. One day on an inspection tour, her's stunned by a receptionist, Fung. He then begins to date her. Most of the male staff in the firm is interested in Fung. Including Wong. But the doesn't have the courage to approach her. Every time when Yau plans to date Fung, he offers Wong a chance to be with fung in a curious coincldence. When Wong and Fung fall in love with eeach other, Wong finds out fung is Yau's mistress while Yau's wife also knows it and kicks the husband out the house....

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