my grade


main information

english title Astonishing
original title 驚心動魄

cast & crew

directorHerman YAU Lai-To - 邱禮濤
actorChristy CHUNG Lai-Tai - 鍾麗緹
Alex FONG Chung-Sun - 方中信
Sammo HUNG Kam-Bo - 洪金寶
scriptwriterHerman YAU Lai-To - 邱禮濤

additional Info

duration87 minutes
classificationHong-Kong: Not suitable for children


Mandy (Christy Chung) and Kenny (Alex Fong) are a pair of happy couple since their marriage 3 years ago. On the day of their 3rd anniversary, a DVD is delivered to Mandy from nowhere. In the DVD, an old man predicts that she will be dumped by her husband. Ignoring this bizarre message, she and her husband go to a party that night and unfortunately a car accident happens. Before long, Mandy wakes up from coma and finds that her identity has been taken. Fiona (Sasha Hou), who used to be Kenny secretary, becomes Mandy. Things become complicated and Mandy finds herself being lost between dreams and realities...

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