La pauvre Cherrie Ying vient de se voir inculper pour détention de moins d'1 g de ketamine soit environ 10 € de valeur marchande ( Quand on sait ce que certains acteurs français se mettent dans le nez à chaque soirée un peu branchée, il y a de quoi rester rêveur sur ce qu'il leur arriverait à HK...
Que la proportion de consommateur soit a peu près la meme partout c'est acceptable. Mais engager une procedure judiciaire pour si peu, ca laisse perplexe et quand en plus ca toucheune personnalité connue ca devient presque de la propagande pour la lutte antinarcotique genre "chez nous lave plus blanc"
2R two nights ago attended a film promotion. When asked about Cherrie Ying Choi Yi's drug possession allegation, Rosanne paused for awhile and then said, "That has something to do with me? (She is your rumored romantic competition?) Thank you. Actually I don't know about this and am shocked to hear it. I have never met her, never worked with her. I have only seen her THROW DOWN (YAU DOH LUNG FU BONG). All I can do is tell children not to try it, not to take drugs. Being an idol like this isn't good." Race added, "Don't take drugs, not being found doesn't mean no one knows."
When asked whether they have been offered drugs, Rosanne said, "No, some have tempted us with junk food though. Although we are daring we don't dare to touch drugs." Race said, "Friends in the industry know we don't like this stuff. No one will offer it to us. Any event like that we won't be invited."