my grade



number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 2number of reviews: 1number of reviews: 1number of reviews: 9number of reviews: 7number of reviews: 11number of reviews: 18number of reviews: 32number of reviews: 15

Cinemasie's opinions

10 reviews: 3.35/5

your opinions

86 reviews: 3.57/5

White Snake 4.5
750XX 3.75
Amaury 4.5
an nhiên 3
Anel-kun 3
Angelina bundy 4
ArzaK 3.75
Ascate 4.25
Bama Dillert 2.25
Bart052 3.75
Bastian Meiresonne 3.5
Bishop 5
Bjam 4.25
Black_pantha 3.25
Chip E 3.5
Christian D 2
chronofixer 3.25
conrad 4.5
Dakysto 4
darth-oli 4.25
djsan 5
dll_povtyp 4.5
el sinior canard 4
esj23 2.75
Evil.Mackie 0.75
Flichtenbloden 4.5
Fusako 4
gamin666 4
Gaor 2
geez 3.5
Guesar 4.5
Hojo 3.5
ikoo2mi 2.25
Illitch Dillinger 3.75
Inoran 4
Iron Monkey 4.5
jade 5
jeff_strike 2.5
jep 4
jinroh 4.25
JoHell 4.5
jool 1.5
kassim al soja 4
Khanheda 2
Killdonalduck 4
Kit Mat 0.5
koalaurent 4
koneko 5
KrazyMeer 4.75
La girardasse 3.5
LiMuBai 3.25
lo sam pao 3.5
marty 2.5
mat rey 1
mattMAGNUM 0.5
nihonlover 4
nisei 4
ntvn 3.5
Oh Dae-soo 4
Oiggab 4
Omerieux 3.5
osdohtem 4
OshimaGosha 3.75
Piaku 4.5
Pikul 4
Qumran 2.25
QuyTam 3
Rage_against_the_machine 3.75
Samehada 3.75
Sauzer 2.25
Sébastien 3
Secret Tears 4
seijûrô hiko 2.75
shaolinsolskjaer 2
Sifu Tetsuo 4
Simon VD 3.75
Stavengard 4.25
stick 4.5
Tequila 3.75
Tred 1.25
TsimShaTsui 4
tu0r 2
vivinch 4.5
X27 4.25
yansan 4.25
yuki-onna 4

order by grades | date | reviewer    lengths: any length medium and long only long only

woman with balls

This story is well made,it's boring during the first half an our But i promise you will like the end,you'll need to get through the beginning just to see what it's all about.And a pretty damn hot Eihi Shiina.If you'll hate the movie,you'll probably love Eihi

26 January 2004
by nihonlover

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