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Women From Mars

main information

english title Women From Mars
original title 當男人變成女人

cast & crew

directorAndrew LAU Wai-Keung - 劉偉強
Raymond YIP Wai-Man - 葉偉文
actorEkin CHENG Yee-Kin - 鄭伊健Tom Kan
WONG Tin-Lam
YU Ka-Ho
Kingdom YUEN King-Tan
Matthew CHOW Hoi-Kwong - 鄒凱光
Michael WONG Man-Tak - 王敏德
Angela TONG Ying-Ying
LAM Chi-Chung
Spencer LAM Seung-Yi
Michael LAM Wai-Leung
LAM Chiu-Wing
Bobo CHAN Man-Woon - 陳文媛
Ruby WONG Cheuk-Ling - 黃卓玲
Kenneth CHAN Kai-Tai
Belinda HAMMET
MIU Fei-LamLa copine de Tou
Amanda LEE Wai-Man - 李蕙敏
Jason CHU Wing-Tong - 朱永棠
Pinky CHEUNG Man-Chi - 張文慈
CHEUNG Tat-Ming - 張達明
Louis KOO Tin-Lok - 古天樂Le serviteur des enfers
HSU Chi - 舒淇La messagère des enfers
Francis NG Chun-Yu - 吳鎮宇Fernando
Stephen FUNG Tak-Lun - 馮德倫Brad Pit
Kristy YEUNG Kung-Yu - 楊恭如
Wayne LAI Yiu-Cheung - 黎耀祥
Michael TSE Tin-Wah
Roy CHEUNG Yiu-Yeung - 張耀揚
Jerry LAMB Hiu-Fung - 林曉峰
Audrey FANG Chi-Shuen CiCi
Joe MA Wai-Ho - 馬偉豪
Wilson YIP Wai-Shun - 葉偉信
Josie HO Chiu-Yee - 何超儀
producerFrankie NG Chi-Hung
Manfred WONG
scriptwriterManfred WONG
Matthew CHOW Hoi-Kwong - 鄒凱光

additional Info

classificationHong-Kong: Not suitable for children


Ken, Michael and Bowie treat girls and relationships with no respect and are always fooling around. One night, they come across a beautiful and mysterious woman who takes away their penises for punishment. To recover, they have to find their true love and say 'I love you'. How are they going to handle these days being a 'shemale'? Will it be a happy ending?

(source: DVD)

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