my grade

My Sweeties

main information

english title My Sweeties

cast & crew

directorPatrick KONG Lim Sun
actor SAMMY - 森美
Stephy TANG Lai-Yan - 鄧麗欣
Isabella LEUNG Lok-Si - 梁洛施
Crystal TIN Yue-Lai
Monie TUNG Man Lee - 董敏莉
scriptwriterPatrick KONG Lim Sun

additional Info


Sammy, growing with women all his life, meets Suet in the MTR and falls for her at the first sight. One day, Sammy goes back to his office and to his surprise, Suet is there as a newcomer of their company together with Strong. Strong and Sammy are childhood rivals. However, their company asks them to create a new advertisement. From that day, love starts growing between Sammy and Strong. Their advertisement is a way success, and Suet finally falls for Sammy's talent and starts dating him. Heartbroken, Strong decides to quit the job. Sammy finally realizes Strong is the one he loves. On Strong's farewell party, Sammy tells her how much he loves her, will Strong accept Sammy's love and have a happy ending?

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