my grade

Boxing Hero

main information

english title Boxing Hero
original title 龍虎英雄

cast & crew

director LEE Tso Nam
actorJimmy LIN Zhi-Ying
Terence YIN Chi-Wai
Marsha YUAN Chi-Wei
LEE Tso Nam
action directorAlan TSUI Chung-Sun

additional Info

duration89 mins
classificationHong-Kong: Not suitable for children and young teenagers


Lung comes from a modern kung fu family and goes all the way to HK to search for his brother and mother who left him for years. During his search, he uncovers an illegal gambling society manipulating the result of boxing matches. Lung's brother Fu is a free fight winner and the gangsters try to induce Fu to join the scheme. As Fu refuses, they kidnap his girlfriend and plan to kill him in a boxing match...

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