director |
year |
grade |
avg. |
nb |
Hidden Hero
1993 |
1.5 |
1 |
Ninja in ancient china
1993 |
2 |
1 |
Cross the River
1988 |
1.5 |
2 |
Slaughter in Xian
1987 |
1.25 |
1 |
Great Shanghai 1937
1986 |
Dancing warrior
1985 |
Shanghai 13
1985 |
2.36 |
7 |
Death Ring
1984 |
9 Demons
1984 |
1.25 |
1 |
Attack of the Joyful goddess
1983 |
1 |
1 |
The Weird Man
1983 |
2.75 |
1 |
Five Element Ninjas
1982 |
3.43 |
15 |
House of Traps
1982 |
2.2 |
5 |
Brave Archer 4
神鵰俠侶 |
1982 |
2.33 |
3 |
Ode to Gallantry
1982 |
2.44 |
4 |
Sword stained with royal blood
碧血劍 |
1981 |
3.33 |
9 |
Masked Avengers
1981 |
3.21 |
6 |
Brave Archer 3
射雕英雄傳三集 |
1981 |
2.94 |
4 |
The Rebel Intruders
1980 |
3.15 |
5 |
Two Champions of Shaolin
少林與武當 |
1980 |
2.84 |
11 |
Legend of the fox
飛狐外傳 |
1980 |
2.9 |
5 |
Spearmen of Death
1980 |
3.25 |
7 |
Life Gamble
1979 |
2.29 |
6 |
Daredevils of Kung Fu
1979 |
2.32 |
7 |
The Magnificent ruffians
1979 |
3.08 |
3 |
Ten Tigers of Kwangtung
廣東十虎興役五需 |
1979 |
2.6 |
5 |
Shaolin Rescuers
1979 |
3.4 |
10 |
Kid With the Golden Arm
1979 |
2.8 |
5 |
Crippled Avengers
殘缺 |
1978 |
3.44 |
16 |
Invincible Shaolin
南少林與北少林 |
1978 |
3.65 |
15 |
The Five venoms
五毒 |
1978 |
2.5 |
21 |
Brave Archer 2
射鵰英雄傳續集 |
1978 |
2.62 |
4 |
Chinatown Kid
唐人街功夫小子 |
1977 |
3.23 |
11 |
Heaven and Hell
第三類打鬥 |
1977 |
3.05 |
10 |
Magnificent Wanderers
1977 |
2.38 |
6 |
The Naval Commandos
1977 |
2.67 |
3 |
Brave Archer
射鵰英雄傳 |
1977 |
3 |
5 |
Spiritual Fists
1976 |
7 Man Army
1976 |
3.44 |
4 |
The Mad Boy
1976 |
The Shaolin Avengers
方世玉與胡惠乾 |
1976 |
2.93 |
7 |
Bloody Avengers
1976 |
2.54 |
7 |
Shaolin Temple
少林寺 |
1976 |
3.31 |
20 |
New Shaolin Boxers
1976 |
2.9 |
5 |
All Men are Brothers
蕩寇誌 |
1975 |
3.21 |
6 |
Marco Polo
1975 |
2.22 |
8 |
Disciples of Shaolin
1975 |
3.69 |
13 |
The Bloody escape
1975 |
2.38 |
2 |
Fantastic Magic Baby
1975 |
2.08 |
3 |
1974 |
2.88 |
4 |
Savage 5
1974 |
2.35 |
5 |
Men from the Monastery
1974 |
2.38 |
10 |
Na Cha The Great
哪吒 |
1974 |
2.71 |
7 |
Shaolin Martial Arts
1974 |
3.57 |
7 |
Five Shaolin Masters
少林五祖 |
1974 |
3.34 |
24 |
Life for Sale
1973 |
The Generation Gap
叛逆 |
1973 |
3 |
1 |
The Pirate
1973 |
3 |
9 |
Police Force
警察 |
1973 |
2.5 |
2 |
Heroes Two
方世玉與洪熙官 |
1973 |
3.22 |
22 |
The Delinquent
憤怒青年 |
1973 |
3.12 |
4 |
Blood Brothers
刺馬 |
1973 |
3.75 |
31 |
Iron Bodyguard
大刀王五 |
1973 |
2.62 |
6 |
Angry Guest
1972 |
2.42 |
3 |
Trilogy of Swordsmanship
1972 |
2.44 |
8 |
Delightful Forest
1972 |
3 |
9 |
Warrior of Steel
1972 |
3.34 |
11 |
Boxer From Shantung
馬永貞 |
1972 |
3.96 |
41 |
Young people
年輕人 |
1972 |
2.5 |
1 |
Four Riders
1972 |
3.15 |
5 |
The Water Margin
水滸傳 |
1972 |
2.94 |
18 |
The Anonymous Heroes
無名英雄 |
1971 |
2.92 |
6 |
Deadly Duo
雙俠 |
1971 |
3.38 |
21 |
Duel of Fists
拳擊 |
1971 |
2.41 |
11 |
The Duel
1971 |
3.6 |
12 |
The New One-Armed Swordsman
新獨臂刀 |
1971 |
4.13 |
66 |
King Eagle
1971 |
3.27 |
10 |
Heroic Ones
十三太保 |
1970 |
3.13 |
19 |
Vengeance !
報仇 |
1970 |
3.73 |
29 |
The Wandering Swordsman
1970 |
3.19 |
4 |
The Singing Killer
1970 |
2.42 |
3 |
One-Armed Swordsman Return
獨臂刀王 |
1969 |
3.52 |
30 |
Dead End
1969 |
3.46 |
6 |
Have Sword, Will Travel
保鏢 |
1969 |
3.58 |
19 |
The Invincible Fist
1969 |
3.25 |
7 |
The Singing Thief
大盜歌王 |
1969 |
1.75 |
1 |
The Flying Dagger
飛刀手 |
1969 |
2.94 |
4 |
The Golden Swallow
金燕子 |
1968 |
3.66 |
29 |
One-Armed Swordsman
獨臂刀 |
1967 |
3.68 |
42 |
Trail of the Broken Blade
斷腸劍 |
1967 |
3.84 |
8 |
The Assassin
1967 |
3.58 |
9 |
Magnificent Trio
邊城三俠 |
1966 |
3.08 |
15 |
Tiger Boy
1966 |
The Butterfly Chalice
1965 |
3.5 |
1 |
actor |
year |
grade |
avg. |
nb |
Yang ± Yin: Gender in Chinese Cinema
男生女相:中国电影之性别 |
1996 |
4.06 |
4 |
Angry Guest
1972 |
2.42 |
3 |
producer |
year |
grade |
avg. |
nb |
Cross the River
1988 |
1.5 |
2 |
Dancing warrior
1985 |
Death Ring
1984 |
9 Demons
1984 |
1.25 |
1 |
scriptwriter |
year |
grade |
avg. |
nb |
Cross the River
1988 |
1.5 |
2 |
Great Shanghai 1937
1986 |
The Weird Man
1983 |
2.75 |
1 |
Masked Avengers
1981 |
3.21 |
6 |
Spearmen of Death
1980 |
3.25 |
7 |
Two Champions of Shaolin
少林與武當 |
1980 |
2.84 |
11 |
Shaolin Rescuers
1979 |
3.4 |
10 |
Ten Tigers of Kwangtung
廣東十虎興役五需 |
1979 |
2.6 |
5 |
Life Gamble
1979 |
2.29 |
6 |
The Magnificent ruffians
1979 |
3.08 |
3 |
Crippled Avengers
殘缺 |
1978 |
3.44 |
16 |
Invincible Shaolin
南少林與北少林 |
1978 |
3.65 |
15 |
The Five venoms
五毒 |
1978 |
2.5 |
21 |
Heaven and Hell
第三類打鬥 |
1977 |
3.05 |
10 |
Chinatown Kid
唐人街功夫小子 |
1977 |
3.23 |
11 |
New Shaolin Boxers
1976 |
2.9 |
5 |
All Men are Brothers
蕩寇誌 |
1975 |
3.21 |
6 |
Disciples of Shaolin
1975 |
3.69 |
13 |
Fantastic Magic Baby
1975 |
2.08 |
3 |
Shaolin Martial Arts
1974 |
3.57 |
7 |
Na Cha The Great
哪吒 |
1974 |
2.71 |
7 |
The Generation Gap
叛逆 |
1973 |
3 |
1 |
Police Force
警察 |
1973 |
2.5 |
2 |
Blood Brothers
刺馬 |
1973 |
3.75 |
31 |
Four Riders
1972 |
3.15 |
5 |
Boxer From Shantung
馬永貞 |
1972 |
3.96 |
41 |
Warrior of Steel
1972 |
3.34 |
11 |
Heroic Ones
十三太保 |
1970 |
3.13 |
19 |
Vengeance !
報仇 |
1970 |
3.73 |
29 |
One-Armed Swordsman Return
獨臂刀王 |
1969 |
3.52 |
30 |
The Flying Dagger
飛刀手 |
1969 |
2.94 |
4 |
The Golden Swallow
金燕子 |
1968 |
3.66 |
29 |
One-Armed Swordsman
獨臂刀 |
1967 |
3.68 |
42 |
The Assassin
1967 |
3.58 |
9 |
Trail of the Broken Blade
斷腸劍 |
1967 |
3.84 |
8 |
The Perfumed Arrow
1966 |
3 |
1 |
The Knight of Knights
文素臣 |
1966 |
2.15 |
5 |
Tiger Boy
1966 |
Magnificent Trio
邊城三俠 |
1966 |
3.08 |
15 |
The Butterfly Chalice
1965 |
3.5 |
1 |
Call of the Sea
1965 |
Crocodile River
1965 |
The Mermaid
1965 |
4 |
1 |
Inside the Forbidden City
宋宮秘史 |
1963 |
3.12 |
2 |
executive producer |
year |
grade |
avg. |
nb |
Just Heroes
義膽群英 |
1989 |
3.61 |
47 |