my grade


Ichi The Killer

number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 1number of reviews: 1number of reviews: 4number of reviews: 5number of reviews: 11number of reviews: 10number of reviews: 29number of reviews: 17

Cinemasie's opinions

9 reviews: 2.78/5

your opinions

69 reviews: 3.88/5

Izzy 5
florian 5
Sifu Tetsuo 5
Guesar 5
bette 5
osdohtem 5
JoHell 4.75
Sorcier Sifu 4.75
KrazyMeer 4.75
White Snake 4.75
el sinior canard 4.5
orco666 4.5
Môh Tsu 4.5
OshimaGosha 4.5
Sir the metal 4.5
luctuosys 4.5
Hans 4.5
hendy 4.5
ongo 4.25
Hojo 4.25
Sauzer 4.25
Samehada 4.25
omnio 4.25
Bart052 4.25
jeff 4.25
750XX 4.25
seijûrô hiko 4.25
darth-oli 4.25
gerald 4
Pikul 4
Chang La Rage 4
TsimShaTsui 4
Oiggab 4
tu0r 4
Anel-kun 4
Secret Tears 4
spud 4
chronofixer 4
yansan 4
Inoran 4
Cuneyt Arkin 4
geez 4
Tequila 4
Oh Dae-soo 4
nisei 4
893 3.75
Merlin Frit 3.75
Illitch Dillinger 3.75
lo sam pao 3.75
SuperDurian 3.75
Iron Monkey 3.75
Bastian Meiresonne 3.75
Flichtenbloden 3.5
jep 3.5
Scaar Alexander Trox 3.25
dll_povtyp 3.25
Rage_against_the_machine 3.25
Chip E 3
Simon VD 3
elvacaloca 3
koalaurent 3
Miyuki 3
ultima 3
Black_pantha 2.5
Firimar 2.5
koneko 2.5
mat rey 2.5
Bamboo 2
Xjet 1.5
Bama Dillert 1

order by grades | date | reviewer    lengths: any length medium and long only long only

Ichie the killer

This is a movie you will either love or hate I saw the un-cut 128 minutes version and I am glad I watched this version cos I dont think I would have enjoyed a stripped down version of this movie Ok this is violent ( but there are more hardcore movies out there really ) Actcing is good , realistic special effects , simple but effective camera work ( usual Miike style ) hey you should really see this movie , because if you'v heard about this movie and gone this far to find out about it , it's beacause you are eager to see it

22 February 2004
by ongo

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