If the first link is not working, here is another solution :
(you must authorize the applet, it's safe)
Chatroom Entrance
And if you definitively can not find your way to the chat, try
using an IRC client with the below parameters :
(for those who are not familiar with IRC client, refer to the help)
- Network name : Epiknet
- Host name:
Chan : #cinemasie
For various reasons, we chose to use Xircon. This software can be downloaded at this address It's completly free, easy to use and its size is only 900Ko, so slow connections won't be penalized.
Download the software and install it. Then just read the following steps to reach Cinemasie's chan.
1) Launch Xircon software and click on the small computer (top left corner).
2) Right click on the upper side of the new window and choose ADD.
3) The Network Name is Epiknet and the Host Name is Click OK.
4) Back to the previous window, choose a Nickname and possibly an alternate Nickname in case someone else is already using the one you chose. That's going to be the Nick seen by the other users on the chat. You must also enter an Username. Click OK.
5) You're now connected to an Epiknet's Server. Final step : you just need to type /join #cinemasie in the blank line at the bottom of the window. Press ENTER and if all went well, you should be able to see at least Chiron, the chan bot.
Changing nickname without leaving the chatroom : /nick new_nick
Talking to someone in private : /msg so_nick or /query co_nick
To write sentences like *Cinemasien is drinking tea : /me is drinking tea
Leaving the chatroom without leaving the server : /part #cinemasie
Leaving the chatroom and the server : /quit