KIM Jeong-seok
김 정석


year of Birth1967


year  grade  avg.  nb
Stateless Things 줄탁동시 2012 4 2
Poongsan 2011 3 2
Countdown 카운트다운 2011 3 2
Always 오직 그대만 2011 3.5 2
Love on the Dept 불량남녀 2010
The Fair Love 페어러브 2010
Dad Likes Girls 아빠가 여자를 좋아해 2010 2.62 4
Troubleshooter 해결사 2010 2.83 3
The Recipe 된장 2010 3.08 3
Acoustic 어쿠스틱 2010
More Than Blue 슬픔보다 더 슬픈 이야기 2009 2.55 5 available medias for this movie
Aeja 애자 2009 3.17 3
My Girlfriend is an Agent 2009 2.39 7 available medias for this movie
The Man Next Door 이웃집 남자 2009
Crossing 크로싱 2008 2.62 4
Members of the Funerals 장례식의 멤버 2008 2.19 9
Black House 검은 집 2007 2 7 available medias for this movie
Brainwave 브레인웨이브 2006 0.62 2
Raging Years 하류 인생 2004 3.02 24 available medias for this movie
When spring comes 꽃피는 봄이 오면 2004 3.66 8 available medias for this movie
Oh ! Happy Day 오! 해피데이 2003 2.57 7 available medias for this movie
The Day A Pig Fell Into The Well 돼지가 우물에 빠진 날 1996 3.42 22 available medias for this movie


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Flop underline a poor performance

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